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Posts tagged ‘family’

Transcend Being Bored With Board Meetings

When you first envisioned starting your business there was nothing but excitement and zeal.

The thought of creating something out of thin air, bringing it to fruition, and causing it to run like a well oiled machine, is what causes many of us to get up each and every day.mom about to leave daughter

After years and years of going into the office, giving it your all, even if it created an imbalance in your family life, you were there.

Now, you wake up as you always have, and get ready for your next board meeting, and find that something is different. Something is missing. Something has changed.

You don’t feel the same excitement.

It’s not that you don’t love or enjoy what you’ve created, but you realize that you don’t know who you are anymore.

stellaYou don’t don’t know where you fit in, in your own family.

You want to get yourself back.

You want to create balance, but where do you start?

You start at the center of it all.

You start with you.

You decide that where you are right this minute, is the perfect place to be.

You understand that as a visionary, you created a masterpiece in your business, and simply forgot that you can have it all, which includes your business and your personal life.man with his child

So let us begin again but this time, let’s include all the pieces of our life’s puzzle, understanding that we can HAVE IT ALL.







Lisa Scott,

Work with me. 

Website:(like, comment and share) www.lisascott.org

The Power of Getting Clear Series:Understanding Your Response-Ability and Taking Your Power Back:(Grow in the comfort of your home) http://www.lisascott.org/#!grow-in-the-comfort-of-your-home/c1qth

Facebook:(like,comment and share)https://www.facebook.com/LisaScottCoachingAndMentoring