"Move beyond your past experiences and programs."

Many people are learning that in order to see their businesses grow, you must build an online presence for at least some aspect of your business, but what exactly does it mean to build an online presence?

When you first decide to create a presence online, you will quickly understand that there are probably hundreds maybe even thousands of people that have products and services just like yours.

So how would anyone tell us apart, except that I learn how to be an individual?

Not that you are not already an individual but in the online world, consistency, having your own voice, and telling your own story, are key to not only key to your survival online but in my opinion, key to your remaining patient, and not giving up as you learn to navigate this new world. Transparent

How does consistency, having your own voice, and telling your story assist us on the road to transparency and building your brand?

Let me break it down.

Consistency: Allows you to learn your rhythm, and allows you to become even more clear on your products and services.. what you do and don’t do, as people begin to interact with you and your company.

Having your own voice: Allows you to learn more about yourself as you begin to see your company consistently online, and the overall tone of your/your company’s message, i.e., safety, wellness, coaching, spiritual, beauty, etc., as your brand begins to be recognized.

Telling your story: Allows you to hone your message to the world. Usually you’ll get better and better at delivery because you’ll go deeper and deeper inside to draw out your WHY. Once you truly understand and connect with your WHY, you won’t give up on YOURSELF so easily.

Check out one of my latest blog posts called: Permission Granted To Be Yourself which includes an awesome (short) podcast recording that you can listen to while driving in your car!

Although the above areas are not your only means to transparency and building your brand online, they assist you in becoming comfortable with YOUR-SELF so that we’ll all see you around for a really long time.

To schedule a 30 min business coaching session with me for just $5 and to find out more, click this link. I’ll be glad to speak with you!

Thank for stopping by!

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Lisa Scott,

Work with me:

Join my e-mail list: @https://www.facebook.com/LisaScottCoachingAndMentoring/app_123077107711598

Stop by my website: @ www.lisascott.org (like, comment and share)

Try a 30 minute coaching session for just $5!http://www.fiverr.com/lscott28/give-a-30-min-business-coaching-session–2(share with someone you know.)

Listen to my podcasts: https://soundcloud.com/lisascott28

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