"Move beyond your past experiences and programs."

All That Matters

There was a time in my life when I was absolutely adamant about the way things were “supposed to be.”

My thoughts, my beliefs…everything was either black or white, up or down, etc.

Ultimately I realized that my need for things to be so concrete was because it gave me a sense of control.

I didn’t have to try to figure things out. When things are within the “guidelines,” it’s way easier to deal with…or is it?!

It turns out that my need for things to remain within the “guidelines,” was due to my fear of actually getting to know myself, and then finally accepting myself.

Why does getting to know and accept yourself produce fear?

Click the image below for an awesome video on authenticity

we only know

Because as we shed the layers of “protecting ourselves,” and becoming aware of what you genuinely think and believe, as opposed to “going with the flow,” appears to us to yield, standing out, going-it-alone, appearing different, etc.

But once we have truly made the decision that there is nothing more important than uncovering who we really are to ourselves, and the uncovering begins…you will find that it was actually harder, and you expound more energy in the effort it takes to not being your authentic self.

Yes it takes time and awareness to uncover and walk in agreement with your self but you will find that finding your self  is truly “all that matters.”

As I look upon this phrase “all that matters,” I realize that it is incumbent upon us all to look upon what sometimes even we don’t see (spiritual), and bring it into awareness(physical/matter) not for everyone else to see, but for you to see.

The time is now. Let’s uncover YOUR-SELF together.







Lisa Scott,

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